Friday, July 23, 2010

Creating Memories & Lasting Connections

Yesterday, I went to visit an old friend at the same beach house her family has rented once a year for 35 years. As a young teenager I went along for 2 of those summer rituals. It changed my life. It was there at the influenced age of 13 that I discovered my undying love for the ocean & the southern California beach culture. I felt like I had landed in my own backyard-the place I was meant to call home.
As I was there amongst her whole family that had of course grown into grandchildren, nephews & cousins, I realized how important it is to make good memories. This takes intention & commitment. Since time is fleeting & money is too the real stuff of life is what we make of the time & money we have. It is well spent on making memories that foster relationships- good relationships. Good memories are made while everyone is having fun & relaxing with people who bring them joy.
I am very grateful today that her parents had the patience to bring along the rif-raf. These were all the adolescent friends that circled around their children at the time. We benefitted greatly as the guests of a generous family. The same hospitality was present as I walked through the door 25 years later with my own 3 kids in tow. I was greeted by the matriarch with an earnest embrace that felt like the hug of motherhood!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I have been a coastal dweller now for 5 weeks. It has been the place I wanted to live for nearly all my life. Hawaii living was a dream. This place is more like living in the real world with all the challenges & realities life has to dish out. The bonus is, you also get the ocean in your backyard. I can even legitimately decorate my space as one who does live at the beach! Shells, cottage theme, succulents & surf posters even may clutter up my dwelling.
I still find it hard to feel like I live here as is the case every time one moves to a new place. Everything is foreign. My skin crawls with the feeling of being displaced. It is just the reality of being a human being subject to time & space. I mean that in the most literal sense. We are subject to time & space. This is something I have given a lot of thought to lately. Time is limited to the NOW. You can't go back and change anything you've done (notice past-tense.) The future is out of your control UNTIL it becomes the NOW. This leads me to the idea of intentions..... My plans. What do I want? Good question to ask & even answer but today I am not sure I can. Let me get back to this. I have a sense that it is the million dollar question. I could really use a million dollars right now too, LITERALLY!